Was? Ich bin nicht auf Ihrer Liste? Deutschland wird Sie mit ihrer vollbusigen Frauen zu töten! Ich scherze. Ich spreche kein Deutsch. Setze mich auf Ihrer Liste.
Age 80, Male
Hat Collector.
Joined on 10/9/09
Was? Ich bin nicht auf Ihrer Liste? Deutschland wird Sie mit ihrer vollbusigen Frauen zu töten! Ich scherze. Ich spreche kein Deutsch. Setze mich auf Ihrer Liste.
Fuck you.
I dislike girls.
I'm NOT gay.
Though I'm male
If I say Bob Marley is great, can I be your BrozillianNinja?
Holy shit. Never. Black people are automatically awful.
Fair argument, however, what if I were to say I'm actually white?
Good 'nuff.
Put me on the list. :(
Derp, JoaoGabriel is also Brazilian.
Your double standards and Team Fortress 2 soundtrack are deeply upsetting me.
I fixed the picture
That sig looks disgusting
Lulz. Team Fortress 2 soundtrack isn't even legit jazz, you misguided cunt.
Listen to Miles Davis, John Coltrane, and Sonny Rollins. That's jazz for smart people, so there's a good chance you'll come to despise it.
Look at you trying to be classy.
I don't really know what to say, you do realize that i'm joking, right?
Oh. Sorry. I mistook you for a witty person, when really, you're just a pretentious twat with zero perspective.
lul jk can i bee in ur listz bro?
Trolling is awesome you know it!
I'm on a list of cool people? I'm moving up in the world.
No! Without your list, my ego is plummeting!
can u please put me on teh list cus im so sexy and my peenor is as long as um like the isle of man or something
This shit is gangsta.